Spring Mixer Competition 2022

Register Here!

Date and time: Saturday, 4/30; 10:30a-1:30p
Price: $25 for members, $30 for non-members (includes comp sticker!); capped at 40 participants, wait list if sold out (*Participants are encouraged to fill out a waiver ahead of time. Waivers can be found through the Waivers tab on our website.) Registration opens on April 1st via the calendar tab on our website, calling the gym at (440) 328-8330, or by visiting the front desk.
Directions: Note that GPS doesn't always show quickest way to gym
Food and non-food vendors on site
  • Bouldering: redpoint format. Participants will receive points for their 5 most difficult climbs over the 3 hours. Tiebreakers will be determined by fewest number of attempts.
  • Ropes: modified-redpoint format. Each roped climb will have 5 zones. Once participants demonstrate control on the first hold in the zone, they receive points for that zone. Lead climbing earns 100 extra points per zone. The higher the climbers climb, the more points they receive. Participants will get 3 attempts at roped climbs and can choose any of the routes. There is a 5-minute time limit for each climb. Tiebreakers will based on time taken to arrive at high point. PRO TIP: Theoretically, we have enough time for everyone to do their 3 roped climbs; HOWEVER, because roped climbs can be done at any point, climbs could get backed up; arriving with plenty of time to warm up and get on roped climbs early in the comp and/or keeping a close eye on the routes' queues will increase participants' chances of being able utilize all 3 of their roped-climb attempts.
  • For both bouldering and roped climbing, climbers will be arranged from highest score to lowest score and receive finishing-place points for each style of climbing (1st place = 1 point, 2nd place = points, etc.). Overall standings will be determined by combining climbers' finishing-place points for bouldering and roped climbing: the lower the total number, the better the finish. If participants' overall scores are tied, there will be two tiebreakers: 1st tiebreaker) highest number of Boulder + Ropes Points 2nd tiebreaker) highest finish in one of the disciplines. From the overall standings, 4 divisions will be created using a histogram. Prizes will be awarded for 1st-3rd place in each division.

​Scoring example:

*Notes on tiebreakers:
  • For bouldering: Participants R, J, F, C and A had tiebreakers over Participants GG, EE, NN, S and K, respectively, due to fewer overall attempts.
  • For ropes: Participants F, P, G and H had tiebreakers over Participants J, B, AA/X (and AA had a tiebreaker over X), and LL, respectively, due to less time taken to arrive at high point.
  • For overall: Participants L, JJ, W, P, U, V, X, and T had tiebreakers over Participants Z, II/Y (and II had a tiebreaker over Y), HH/FF (and HH had a tiebreaker over FF), EE, N, BB, NN, and F, respectively, due to highest number of Boulder + Ropes Points. In the case of Participants LL, C and G, LL holds the tiebreaker over C and G due to highest number of Boulder + Ropes Points; however, because C's and G's Boulder + Ropes Points were tied, C holds the second tiebreaker due to highest place in one of the disciplines (C's 30th place in ropes was higher than either of G's 31st or 34th places.).


  • 9:00a-10:15a: Gym opens, participant check-in, warm-up (There will be non-competition boulders and roped climbs that participants can use to warm up.)
  • 10:15a-10:30a: Welcome, rules discussion
  • 10:30a-1:30p: Mixer Comp
  • 1:30p-2:00p: Score calculation
  • 2:00p-2:20p: Thank yous, awards presentation
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